22 july 2019

Results of Activities Conducted by the Investigation Department and a Number of Operational Units of the NSS of RA in the Fight against Crime from 10 May 2018 to 14 June 2019

Results of Activities Conducted by the Investigation Department and a Number of Operational Units of the NSS of RA in the Fight against Crime from 10 May 2018 to 14 June 2019

From 10 May 2018 to 14 June 2019 the Investigation Department of the NSS of RA (hereinafter, ID as well) instituted 327 criminal cases, 21 criminal cases were received from other bodies, the proceedings of 36 criminal cases were resumed, and 22 criminal cases were transferred from 2018 into 2019.  

During the reporting period, 72 criminal cases were instituted on crimes against economic activity only (in 2018 – 41, in 2019 till June – 31) the preliminary investigation of 5 is over (2 were dismissed; 1 on “Norfolk Consulting” LLC. the damage caused by it to the State made 3.037.952.000 Armenian drams; during the preliminary investigation it was completely restored, and the criminal case was dismissed due to the lack of corpus delicti; 3 with conclusions to indict were sent to court), 3 were merged with another case, 32 cases were sent pursuant to investigative subordination, and the preliminary investigation of 32 goes on. According to accounting checking conducted on the indicated cases, per the preliminary data, the damage of in total 46.791.564.344 Armenian drams was caused to the State budget of RA, of which 45.655.245.055 Armenian dramson the cases investigated by the ID of the NSS of RA, and 1.136.319.289 Armenian drams –  on the criminal cases sent by subordination.

So far, 22.652.050.485 Armenian drams were recovered out of the damage caused to the State, within the framework of the criminal cases investigated in ID.

Besides that, the total damage on other criminal cases dismissed and sent to court during the indicated timeframe made 186.083.476 Armenian drams, of which the damage caused to the State was 6.099.498 Armenian drams, the damage of legal entities – 80.332.506 Armenian drams, to physical entities – 99.651.472 Armenian drams. During the stage of the preliminary investigation, in total 105.750.970 Armenian drams were recovered, of which to the benefit of the State -  6.099.498 Armenian drams, on the part of physical entities – 99.651.472 Armenian drams.

   Thus, during 10.05.2018-14.06.2019, in total 406 criminal cases were investigated in the ID with respect to 137 persons, of which:

  • 50 criminal cases with respect to 91 persons were sent to court;
  • Proceedings were dismissed on 35 criminal cases with respect to 21 persons, of which – 15 due to the lack of corpus delicti, 2 – due to active repentance (2 persons), 1 – due to recovering the damage caused to the State (1 person “Norfolk”), 2 – due to the statute of limitations (2 persons), 1 – due to death (1 person), 1 – due to the change of the situation (1 person), 1 – due to part of the general provisions (1 person), and 12 – on the bases of issuance of an act of amnesty in 2018 (13 persons);
  • Proceedings were suspended on 19 criminal cases with respect to 25 persons, of which 12 due to being on the wanted list (22 persons were put on the wanted list), 6 – due to the fact that the person was not identified, and 1 – due to being seriously ill;
  • 123 criminal cases were referred to the General Prosecutor’s Office in order to be sent pursuant to investigative subordination;
  • 24 criminal cases were merged with other criminal cases investigated in the ID;
  • Preliminary investigation on 155 criminal cases goes on;
  • 9 out of 374 materials were sent by subordination.



At the same time, within the reporting period, more than 1000 preliminary materials or data  related to the abuses of corruption, economic, military, official or other nature were sent to the RA State competent authorities, as well as to the RA Police and other bodies conducting preliminary investigations,  by the operational units of the NSS of RA, based on which more than 300 criminal cases have been initiated by different bodies.


In comparison, within the period of 01 January 2018 to 07 May 2018, 95 criminal cases were initiated, proceedings of 11 criminal cases were resumed and 58 criminal cases were transferred from 2017 into 2018 by the Investigation Department.

Within the reporting period,  14 criminal cases were investigated in the Investigation Department that were initiated in connection with the crimes against economic activities, from which the preliminary investigation of 6 cases was completed, 4 cases were suspended due to the fact that the person was not identified and due to the search: 6 persons were put on the wanted list , 1 case was merged with another criminal case, 1 case was sent pursuant to investigative subordination and preliminary investigation of 2 cases continued.

Within the mentioned period, the total amount of damage related to the completed (dismissed and sent to the court) criminal cases was 713.095.674  AMD, from which 593,797,505 AMD was the amount of damage caused to the State, 118,698,169 AMD was the amount of damage caused to the legal entities and 600,000 AMD was the amount of damage caused to the physical entities.

In the phase of preliminary investigation the total amount of 683.746.848 AMD from the abovementioned money was recovered, from which 593.797.505 AMD to the benefit of the State, the amount of 91.174.348 AMD was the part of the legal entities; there were no recoveries related to the physical entities.

So altogether, 164 criminal cases, with respect to 83 persons, were investigated by the Investigation Department within the reporting period, from which:

  • 39 criminal cases, with respect to 71 persons, were sent to the court;
  • The proceedings of 6 criminal cases, with respect to 3 persons, were dismissed, from which 3 due to the lack of corpus delicti, 2 cases due to the active repentance (2 persons), and 1 case due to the statute of limitations (1 person).
  • Proceedings of 19 criminal cases, with respect to 9 persons, were suspended, from which 9 cases were suspended due to the search: 9 persons were put on the wanted listed, the other 10 cases were suspended due to the fact that the person was not identified;
  • 18 criminal cases were referred to the General Prosecutor’s office by subordination;
  • 7 cases were merged with other criminal cases investigated by the Investigation Department;
  • Preliminary investigation of 75 criminal cases continued;
  • 1 of 111 materials was sent by subordination.